SPOILER ALERT: There's going to be spoilers, so if you haven't seen Argo and you don't want to have the film spoiled for you, then you should turn away now. however if you don't mind or have seen this film, then carry on reading.
AWARENESS ALERT: The events that take place in this film, were based of real events. so all political messages in this film are correct, but have been set up for your entertainment as well.
This film was first released in the USA on the 31st of August 2012 (Telluride Film Festival). and was released later on properly in the UK on the 7th of November 2012. It is now available worldwide to own on DVD and Blu-ray and on I Tunes.
This film stars a whole range, and variety of stars such as : Ben Affleck, Alan Arkin, John Goodman and Bryan Cranston in the four main roles.
The film is 120 minutes in total (2 Hours)
It's a film that doesn't fall into one designated category. it's a drama which has a historical message, but is also a thriller. so the genre wasn't clear, to me as to what it was about.
I wasn't put off from watching it, although I do think it is one of these films, where you have to be in the right mood to watch it. and even then it's not fantastic by any means.
The Storyline consits of events that took place back in 1979. When the American embassy in Iran was invaded by Iranian revolutionaries and several Americans were taken hostage.

With the help of some trusted Hollywood contacts (John Goodman) and (Alan Arkin), Mendez created the ruse and proceed to Iran as its associate producer. but time was running short with the Iranian security forces, closing in on the truth. and the White House had grave doubts about the operation themselves.
It was a risky business. Having said that, I approve of the ideas and the political messages in this film, I think they are something that should be taken into consideration whilst watching.
As a thriller, it didn't really do it for me, I wasn't so engeged in it in a sort of way. but it's probably because it wasn't clear to be that sort of film. because of all the drama and the historical factors of it, it put me off from it being the high tense spy thriller. obviously the threat was real and the dangers were clear to me but I just didn't sence a grit of action from it to be beliveable because it focussed too much on being politically correct for that to happen.
I thought that Ben Affleck's diaolouge suited actors like John Goodman, and Alan Arkin. I thought their characters worked well together, and their body laungaue and characteritics were very current, to the time of the late 70's / early 80's. so I thought it was very well cast.
As a veiwer I took alot more from this film, that I thought I was going to which was unexpected. I really wasn't expecting much I was only hooked on it after it's success and it's popularity from winning 'Best Film' awards. I was interested to know what is it with 'Argo' that makes people tick?. I was impressed with the after effects I was left with at the end of the film which were 'Good Ideas, Good concpet, brilliant dialouge, very well directed, very politically correct, but a bit boring'.

Overall I thought that this film lacted excitment and was quite dire in places. but the acting was strong, the ideas were well relaised and presented and overall this is an 'ok' film.
1 Gold star to Ben Affleck for his fantastic efforts as (Writer, Actor and Director)
1 Silver Star to Alan Arkin
2 Bronze Stars to John Goodman and Bryan Cranston
and 1 Platinum star to executive producers - Chris Brigham and Chay Carter
I am going to say that 'Argo' gets a 7/10 from me. okay but you really need to understand the poltical messages in it in order to get the ideas presented.
Thank for reading this review, I hope that it has been useful to you should you go on to watch 'Argo' in the future. I would'nt recommend it to anyone I know though.
My next review is going to be 'Marley and Me' and I will be posting that on Monday the 6th of May (Bank Holiday May Day)
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