Hello everyone and welcome to the newest of film reviews by Dr Film. In today's review I will be looking at 'The Social Network' a film all about the social networking site, Facebook. and the story of it's creator Mark Zuckerberg.
SPOILER ALERT: As I do with all my reviews, I am going to reveal a few spoilers so if you haven't seen 'The Social Network' and you don't want it to be spoiled. you should probably turn away now.
This film was released in the UK on the 15th of October 2010 and came to the US's attention on the 1st of October 2010.
The Main preemies of the storyline is on an Autem night in 2003, undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) who sits down at his computer and comes up with ideas. what begins in his flat room soon becomes a global social network and a new meaning of communication.
A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history to date... but for this entrepreneur, success leads him into big trouble.
The main premises that 'The Social Network' presents is you can't make friends, without making a few enemies. and that message is presented throughout the course of the film.
I don't really have an awful lot to say about 'The Social Network' because I didn't really intake an awful lot from it. I thought the whole 'let's make a film about facebook' thing didn't really arouse my interests, and from what I read about it on the Internet, about what it was about my first thoughts were that this wasn't going to be a good film at all.
In actual fact, I enjoyed it. It wasn't brilliant. but then again it didn't need to be, because I don't 'The Social Network' is a film that many people will remember with such fondness, it's just a film about Facebook and the guy that created it. It's nothing special, having said that I do think that the awareness issues raised in this film, are to be taken into consideration, with that fact that over 500 million people own Facebook today.
I think my favourite bit about the film, was at the end when the information next comes up and you learn what happened to whom, and etc. It just add's lighten fact to situations that are fictional but based on fact.
Performance wise Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerburg was fantastic, his mannerisms were good, his expressions were believable, they way he chose to play the character of the real Zuckerburg gives viewers an incite as to what those people were about, It's like with Sir Ben Kingsley playing Gandhi, you get an incite as to who the real character was through the good acting of another actor.
Another person I liked was Justin Timberlake, he has a habit with his acting of making his characters interesting, and it's that interest that drives the audience viewers with him, and it's that interest that allows the audience to enjoy watching him on screen, I think Justin Timberlake is a very good actor.
The Techniques used in this filmed lied upon the judgement of David Fincher, a director I am familiar with and like very much he directed other films such as 'Fight Club' and 'Seven' but with this, he applied softer techniques and let things flow according to current which was different. So I thought David Fincher's directing was fine, nothing wrong with that.

I will say that some of the casting was unusual, and I say unusual in a nice way because what I mean by unusual is I was not familiar with the actors chosen, besides Jessie Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, Rooney Mara and Andrew Garfield I was not familiar with the other members of the cast. so I think I would enjoyed the performances more had I been more familiar with the cast members.
In a nutshell 'The Social Network' is all right, not brilliant. but I would recommend it to those who are interested in seeing it, but I'm warning you it's nothing special so don't expect to be blown away by it, because it's not a film one can look upon with high expectations.
I'm going to give this film a 5/10
1 Gold Star to Jesse Eisenberg
Thank you for reading this review, the next film that is in for the chop by me is 'Gulliver's Travels' starring Jack Black and whole guest cast of amazing characters. I will post that review on the Bank Holiday Monday the 27th of May 2013.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend, I will see you all again soon :)
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