SPOILER ALERT!: As ever there is going to be quite a few spoilers. so you may want to read this review after you watched the film.
Starring Owen Wilson as John Grogen. who some of you may know from other films such as : 'Drillbit Taylor','The Wedding Crashers' and 'Midnight in Paris'.
Also starring Jennifer Aniston as Jenny. who of course is most remembered for her role of Rachael in 'Friends'.
This film was first released in the US on the 25th of December 2008 and came to the UK's attention at The Glasgow Film Festival, on the 17th of February 2009. It is now avaialble to buy on DVD and on I tunes.
The film runs for 115 minutes (1 hour and 55 minutes).
The Story is about a young couple - newspaper writers John and Jennifer Grogen that decide after their wedding, to move to Florida. To make an effort to stall Jennifer's "biological clock", John gives her a puppy. While the puppy Marley grows into a 100 pound dog, he loses none of his puppy energy or rambunctiousness.
Meanwhile, Marley gains no self-discipline and is a one of a kind yet out of control dog. Marley's antics give John rich material for his newspaper column. As the Grogans mature and have children of their own, Marley continues to test everyone's patience by acting like the world's most impulsive dog ever.

I throughly enjoyed this film, from start to finish. I was genuinlly happy with it in general. I did'nt find anything, specifically wrong with it. I thought that 'Marley' the dog, showed all the good essentricity that you don't see in other normla dogs, I liked the energy shown throughout, how John and Jenny would try and train Marley to do certain things and Marley would have other ideas. I thought all the comedic scenes with Marley worked really well, perticulary towards the end of the film.
Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston I though were both great, they worked well together as a couple. I senced all the emotion which help connect with the relationship and helped me to belive in their characters which is always important when a 'relationship' story is being made, you want a piece of that relationship and through all of Marley's bad behaviour I could see all that come together.
It may interest you to know, I didn't sport this until the end of the film. the events in this film are based off a true story, and that for me not knowing that took back abit of the special feeling about it because I think I would of enjoyed it even more having known that the characters in it were based off the characters in a real mans life so I was taken back at bit.
Part of this film is set of course in Florida. with lovely sun, beeches,buildings, palm trees. very atmospheric setting helps tells the story really well, I thought it showed off Marley's eccentric talent off well. vibrant setting to vibrant behaviour.
The only thing I didn't like about was the ending; when Marley gets too tired to carry on and dies. but it's not just that the ending moments although they were ment to be upsetting, I found that the ending was a bit rushed. and that was very disapointing, sad moment - garbled explinations... the end. so I would of liked to had abit more time for everyone audinece and characters to get the sence of Malrey's departure and get a more slower ending that didn't appeal to rushed and just go... the end.

However I liked what was written, how the actors deliverd the dialouge in the performances, how the director handled working with a very energetic dog. I thought that all worked brilliantly and overall I really like this film.
I highly recomend you watch it when you have the time.
I'm going to give 'Marley and Me' a 6/10. which is good, don't be disheartend by my judgement. I think six is a fair score for this.
1 gold star to Marley the Dog
1 Silver star to the Director David Frankel
Thank you for reading this review, I hope you found it useful or enjoyable, or both.
My next review is going to be 'School of Rock' starring Jack Black and directed by Richard Linklater that review will be posted on Thursday the 9th of May.
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